Several years ago when I was in high school I went to visit friends in Houston, Texas. I've heard it's a great city that has a very diverse population and that there are more languages spoken in that city than most in the United States of America. Honestly, there is only one thing I remember about Houston... the humidity and how sweaty I was the entire time I was there. I can picture it vividly, I was so sweaty that I decided to shower in the middle of the day. Five minutes after showering I walked outside and within the next 5 minutes I was drenched in sweat once again ( mind you I was simply standing still while having a conversation outside).

I was reminded of this today as the temperatures in Boise hit 100. I found myself in a conversation in the parking lot of the radio station with someone who looked like they had been sprayed down with a water hose. As I noticed his shirt get soaked I felt the sweat on my forehead and then it was like the fountain inside my body had been turned on. It was ridiculous and made me wonder how sweaty of a city Boise really is?

After searching the interweb I found a study by the scientists at the University of Rhode Island that confirmed my suspicions. Here is how the scientist arrived at their top 10 sweatiest cities list:

“Using updated criteria as well as data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, we looked at a range of environmental factors to pinpoint ‘hot spots’ across the country,” said Dr. Ted Myatt, ScD. “The study factored in the average summer temperatures of each city and proximity to large bodies of water. Fitness and recreational sports facilities, as well as sports teams per capita were also considered for the rankings, knowing that more frequent exercise and crowded sporting events lead to a city’s overall sweatiness.”

The top ten sweatiest U.S. cities:

1.    Charlotte, N.C.
2.    Raleigh, N.C.
3.    St. Louis, Mo.
4.    Austin, Texas
5.    Richmond, Va.
6.    Miami, Fla.
7.    Minneapolis, Minn.
8.    Orlando, Fla.
9.    Tampa, Fla.
10.  Kansas City, Mo.

Boise is NOT in the top 10 and while we may be sweating more than usual, you should feel fortunate that you don't live in any of these other cities. Be grateful and think of it a free cleanse compliments of mother nature.

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