
Open Letter To Boise FB Marketplace Sellers
Is this a thing? Does happen often? Or are coffee drinkers knows as a deceptive bunch on FB Marketplace?

Boise Girls Scouts Unveil New Cookie For 2022
Today I'm glad to share that the Boise girls scouts will have a new cookie for you in 2022.

New Boise Restaurant Will Require Proof Of Vaccination
How do you feel about restaurants requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 results?

What Is The Boise Goathead Fest
By the way while picking goatheads may not sound like fun the Fest is a party and then some.

What Is Idaho’s Most Popular Sneaker And Brand
See which sneaker is Idaho's favorite below as well as some key findings. Keep in mind that this Sole Supplier report is based on search volumes.

Another 6 Interesting Idaho Personalized License Plates
After writing an article on interesting Idaho personalized license plates I received a bunch of pics of creative plates. I will share another 6 in this article

Treefort Music Festival Funniest Band Names Pt.2
The creativity surrounding this event is heaven on earth amongst creatives and the creative band names are hilarious

5 Places You Must Show Your Friends Who Visit Boise
Its easy to get used to the good life. Sometimes we just start taking things for granted. It's almost as if things around us become a background that we no longer notice. Last night a friend called and said... " Where are you this weekend" ( he's is used to me travelling all the time so he wanted to make sure I was in Boise for the weekend ) He immediately booked a flight and asked if I

He Found $13000 You Won’t Believe What He Did With It
What would you do with $13k of untraceable cash? asking for a friend

Treefort Music Festival – Funniest Band Names
If someone has the ability to come up with a band or artist name that's memorable then they must be super creative and there is no way that they can make bad music.