Are You Familiar With The Most Popular Children’s Book in Idaho?
Although I’m a parent to two girls, ages four and one, I still consider myself a “new parent.” When I spend time with my kiddos, I often have vivid flashbacks of my own childhood; it feels new and refreshing every time. Take story time for example; my 4-year-old LOVES being read to and I can’t tell you how many times I flashback to kindergarten listening to the teacher read Where the Wild Things Are. By the way, Where the Wild Things Are is easily the greatest children’s book of all time but that’s just my opinion!
Once she fell asleep, I got to bed and like a lot of millions of others around the country, hopped on my phone despite feeling exhausted. Due to my wandering mind, I began to Google children’s books, thinking I’ll discover some crazy backstory (think ‘Behind the Music’) to these storytime classics that completely destroy my childhood. Instead of tainting the best memories of my youth, I stumbled across a map from Grand Canyon University that shows the most popular children’s book in every state. Have you read the most popular children’s book in Idaho? While it’s a classic, my pick still goes to Where The Wild Things Are. What do you think?
Let’s take a look at the most popular books in Idaho and its neighbors according to Grand Canyon University.
Are You Familiar With The Most Popular Children's Book in Idaho?
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