Creative Idaho Themed Costumes To Wear This Year
Halloween is fast approaching! A little over a month until everyone is in costume and gorging on candy! But even before actual Halloween, the month will be filled with all kinds of Halloween things including costume parties. It can be difficult to come up with a costume that isn't too popular or overdone. How many times can you dress up as a witch? So here are some Idaho themed costumes that maybe land in the dad joke category, but will make people laugh.
Now, the obvious thing would be to dress as a potato. But why don't you be a smashed potato instead? Wear a potato costume and get very drunk before arriving to the costume party (have a driver for this). And make sure to be very loud that you are a smashed potato.
The state fruit is the huckleberry. Go as huckleberry jam. Dress as the fictional character Huckleberry Finn from the Mark Twain novel and carry an electric guitar. When someone asks what you are say "Huckleberry Jam!" and start rocking out on the guitar. Get it? You're jamming.
Idaho's state fish is the cutthroat trout. Get a fish costume and then dress that up as a Hollywood agent. Suit, sunglasses, obnoxious blue tooth. Why? because Hollywood is a cutthroat business. Don't act like you're not cringe-laughing. You know that's funny.
Finally, the state gem is the Idaho Star Garnet. How do you pull this off? Get a basic star costume. This is actually easy enough to make yourself and then put a Kevin Garnett basketball jersey. Timberwolves or Celtics, doesn't matter. And now you're the Star Garnet. Man, I really crushed it with these. Happy Halloween season!