What Fresh Hell Is This? My Daily Commute From Star to Boise in Gifs
Traffic might be the biggest bane of the Treasure Valley's existence these days.
Sort of like old Aunt Flo, it's a heavy, inconvenient Code 5 Clinger, and a supreme pain in the lady bits.
Week after week, it seems another municipality has elected to engage in a construction project that cuts commuters at the heels.
The best-most-awesome part?
They give residents little-to-no notice.
The Almighty's favorites are fortunate to happen upon a town sandwich board announcement. But for those of us still trying to escape the Hell-O-Vator express—not so much.
From Monday to Thursday this week, my commute from Star to Boise's been interrupted by:
- extreme congestion on Star's segment of State Street
- a school bus wreck on McDermott headed southbound to Franklin
- two car crashes
- 90-minute round-trip daily commutes
- and a road closure that tacked an extra 20 minutes on to my drive.
And that's what I recall off the top of my head. I'm certain I can recall more if I try, but it's better I just leave it in the past, Rafiki-style.
My ride home from Boise to Star is a real peach, too. But that's pretty much life for everyone in the Valley these days, right? So! Because poking fun at my pain is cool, I thought it'd be especially entertaining to illustrate my morning commute with a series of gifs.
To all you road warriors out there, zippering like soldiers and giving us 'the wave' of fellowship, may you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

Get in, homie. We gotta get to work. xo, Ryan

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