It's incredible the things that people will say. Like this person on Reddit who said, "if you're rich, white, and straight/cis, it's great. Otherwise, it's a hellhole you'll never be able to afford to leave." That's a response to someone on Reddit asking, "single 23m strongly considering moving here but want to get some insight before I do so. Why would you / wouldn't you recommend Boise to a younger adult?" 


Not all of the answers on this post were as ignorant. Others put some thought into their comments Embraceyourodd said, "Boise has a lot going for it. It has a lot of amenities that you don't usually find in a city of its size. The downside is that the reason that it does is that it is so far from any other city that it has to." This person also mentioned that they have a decent income, so housing hasn't been an issue as it has been for others.

As they replied to this young man's question, income and affordability were the primary concerns for Reddit users. One user said, "No. Idaho ranks 49th in "wages: cost of living." Wages are terrible, and housing is disgustingly expensive. Be prepared for $16-20/hr and a studio costing $1100/month." 


Many Reddit users mentioned how outdoorsy Idaho is, how safe it is, and that Boise is an excellent place for easy access to hiking, camping, and skiing while having plenty of cultural events and happenings that make it a fun place to live. 


Concerns for many people were that it was too expensive for young adults who might want to start a family with, "Idaho's school system is ranked last for funding, and that issue is starting to catch up in Boise where high school classes are beginning to balloon in size due to poor teacher salaries." 

Politics is also a big reason people discouraged him from moving to Boise.  

18 Idaho Cities That Are Home to More Transplants Than Natives

The United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey asks people which state they live in and where they were born. The following numbers reflect estimates based on the number of people who said they live in Idaho AND that they were born in the United States. (Percentages won't add up to 100% because people who moved to Idaho from foreign countries were excluded from the count.)

25 Affordable Cities to Look into Before Moving to Boise