If You Bought Milk Here In Past 15 Years You Could be Due a $70 Refund
Did you buy any milk products within the past 15 years? If you live in these states you could be due a refund, but you better hurry you only have till the 31st of January to claim it
I like to pass along info from time to time about refunds from class action lawsuits that either get settled out of court or as in this case a court orders the company to pay out money to the claimants. And in this instance it's a lot of milk money....52 million to be exact
The Business Insider, reports that National Milk Producers Federation were found guilty of price fixing. What does this mean to you? If you’ve lived in these 15 states and bought milk products over the past 15 years (2003) you could be owed a refund of up to $70. Unfortunately Idaho isn’t one of those states, but if you lived in one of the neighboring states of Nevada or Oregon or one of the 13 other states at some point since 2003 you have money coming to you.
Here’s the full list of states elgible:
- Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, or Wisconsin
What do you do if you lived in one of those states? Just go to the official website and submit a form.
Important Note : Don’t commit perjury by lying about living in one of those states to try and get a refund. Perjury is against the law and you can go to jail. And trust me, when Bubba asks what you're in for, you don’t want to tell him because you pretended to buy milk illegally…that is the type of answer that can get your ass kicked.
However if you have family or know someone who lives in these states please share this info with them ASAP, because you’re running out of time to do something about it. The claims period ends on January 31.
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