All of us have that one liquor that makes our stomachs flip as soon as we hear our friends order a round of shots.  Tequila. Fireball. Jager.  It might surprise you which liquor Idahoans are ordering the most!

When I saw the list, I automatically thought Idaho's most popular liquor was Fireball or maybe Idaho made 44º North Huckleberry Vodka. I couldn't have guessed further off the mark.  According to the Idaho Statesman, the most popular liquor based on the number of ounces sold was...

Black Velvet Blended Canadian Whisky

I can only assume that Black Velvet's the go to for mixed whisky drinks if the customer doesn't specify that they want another type of whisky. Personally if I want whisky and coke, or whisky and Red Bull, I'll always ask for Jack Daniels or Crown. Here's a look at how the rest of the Top 5 rounded out.

  • 2. Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey
  • 3. Regular Smirnoff Vodka (I'm partial to the raspberry myself.  If you mix the raspberry one with pink lemonade it tastes like a boozy version of Olive Garden's regular raspberry lemonade.)
  • 4. Potter's Vodka 
  • 5. Regular Tito's Handmade Vodka

Looking at that Top 5 I realize how much my taste in hard liquor differs from rest of the state's! Want to venture outside the status quo? Here's my top 3 favorite liquors and mixers!

Michelle Heart's Mixed Drinks for Dummies

Cold drink arranged in the table outdoors in early summer

Summer Sweet Tea

Jeremiah Weed Sweet Peach Tea Vodka + Pure Leaf Sweet Tea.  When I mix the two, I can't really taste the vodka in this drink at make it as strong as you like!

Nate Punch (My fiance's Sunday Funday Drink)

I give my fiance so much crap for this because it's such a girly drink, but man is it strong! Mix Captain Morgan Parrot Bay 90 Coconut (it's 90 proof, but tastes like regular Parrot Bay) with Strawberry Orange Banana Crystal Light. Be careful how much rum you pour in your punch because it will knock you on your bum if you're not careful.

Dom Bombs

You can actually order these Downtown under another name, but this is what Nathan Fast and I called them. Mix X-Rated Fusion Liqueur with Red Bull.

*If you're going to enjoy any of these drinks, make good decisions.  Don't drink and drive!

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