Former Boise State Football Player Wants Your Help Filling the Stands
This year's Boise State football season ticket sales are really low. At first, there was frustration over people not buying tickets but when it was realized that ticket cost was a factor, defensive tackle Elliot Hoyt found a way to fill the stands.
I could explain the thought process but it's best explained by Elliot.
I am a recent graduate of Boise State and was a member of the football team from 2012-2016, I started every single game of my senior year last year before moving on to become a sales consultant here in Boise for the Lyle Pearson company working for the Mercedes-Benz and Porsche franchises. On Thursday the 14th of September I watched my first Boise State Football game from the stands and I was shocked at the attendance at Albertsons stadium. I think it was lowest attendance I had ever witnessed since moving to Boise from England back in 2012. The impact fans can have on a game is incomprehensible. The support and the noise fans bring can make a difference. So to see the stands empty, I felt for my fellow former teammates down below.
My first instinct was to take to twitter and rant about it. I think 90% of people agreed with my comments on how appalling it was. Some were mad. But some explained why they weren’t there. Some said they couldn’t make it because they struggle to make ends meet and that tickets were just too expensive, despite wishing that they could be there. One individual even said they would have to account for the cost of gas to get to the Stadium on top of the price of admission. I had never thought about that. And this is where it went from being just about football to something bigger. I am not from a wealthy family by any stretch of the imagination but I have fond memories of watching my local soccer and rugby teams back in England as a child. Affording the tickets to those games was never a question.
To think kids and adults alike can’t be there to support their Broncos due to financial reasons doesn’t seem right, and frankly sucks. This is when I decided to take some action and started the Go Fund Me account named “Fill The Stands!” The idea is to take donations from the very generous Boise community to attain tickets for other members of the community who are financially challenged and disadvantaged. Not only does that give us a chance to fill a few more seats in Albertsons Stadium but it provides those who need a break most with a fun few hours rooting on their favorite team.
I initially set the goal at $2500 that was crushed in 24hours, so I upped it to $10,000. Donations can be made until Sunday October the 8th at 11:59pm. Imagine if we as a community could make that goal? The tickets will be distributed for the Wyoming game on Saturday October 21st. I am in communication with a few local organizations who can help identify those who would benefit from this campaign. If there are any others who could help, it would be much appreciated! I thank everyone for their generous contributions thus far. I am hoping that a local business or entity would be willing to step forward and maybe match a certain amount?
We can’t fix all the problems in the world but we can bring happiness to others in small ways. What is a more American way of bringing happiness than getting together at a football game?
This will go toward tickets at the Boise State vs. Wyoming game on October 21st.
The deadline for donations is October 8, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.
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