Did You Know About This Comically Bizarre Death in Idaho Falls?
They say there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. And while it's certain that no one enjoys paying taxes, it is not certain how anyone is going to die when the time comes. Sure, you can predict as much as you want and take precautions, but life's unpredictability makes it so death is also. A good friend of mine, may her soul rest in peace, was struck by a car at just 17 years old and died. Meanwhile my grandmother who was in failing health for decades managed to live until her late eighties.
But then there are deaths whose circumstances are so unpredictably preposterous, you can't even imagine them in your most bizarre dreams. And that's how the show 1000 Ways to Die came to be. 133 episodes detailing all the comically macabre ways people have died. Of course the loss of these individuals is very sad, but you can't help but scratch your head in cringe fascination and even laughter at how these people met their demise.
One such incident that was featured on the show occurred in Idaho Falls 17 years ago this month. Two dudes were smoking cigarettes on a porch, but one guy kept bumming them from his friend instead of having his own and it drove him crazy. Apparently as a practical joke of some kind (after some drinking took place), the dude ponying up the cigarettes loads a shotgun shell with them and blasts them at his friend's face. Too bad the cigarettes lodged into his buddy's face and brain, killing him. The obvious joke is that cigarettes kill. But who would have guessed that this would be the way? You can watch the reenactment on the show in episode 10 of season 2 of 1000 Ways to Die.
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