630 The Fan App Ready for Download
We are pretty excited to announced that the 630 The Fan sports radio app is now available at the app store and ready for download.
630 The Fan is your home for Treasure Valley High school sports, Idaho Vandal sports and we think the best weekday national lineup in the valley starting at 4 a.m. with Clay Travis, followed by Dan Patrick and the Danettes at 7 a.m., Rich Eisen at 10 a.m, Doug Gottleib at 1 p.m. and Colin Cowherd, The Herd at 4 p.m.
Plus every hour we present Fanfare, a one minute local sports report on the latest happenings, scores and events.
We also have special sports vignettes likes the Double R Ranch sports round up at 5;15 p.m. every Monday-Friday and the Ultimate Sports Minute during the Dan Patrick 9 a.m. hour. Learn how you can sponsor your own sports vignette by contacting me:
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