You’ll Never Believe Which Netflix Star’s Brother Lives in the Treasure Valley
With my fiance out of town for a month, I've been spending some serious time binge watching Netflix. I was shocked to find out that Idaho actually has a huge tie to one of the stars of the streaming service's biggest stars!
After running the Freakin' Fast Half on Saturday, I've been too sore to really get out of the house and walk around the last couple of days...so naturally that means I have the perfect reason to sit on my couch and binge watch TV shows I haven't seen yet. As much as I LOVE Scandal, I've never seen the first 1.5 seasons of the series. In three days, I've almost made it through the backstory of Fitz and Olivia's affair and where B-613 came from so what's next? The "darker" Scandal, House of Cards.
Speaking of House of Cards, I just found out that the Treasure Valley has a connection to the series! The Idaho Statesman just ran an article about Idaho's connections to an upcoming Netflix movie staring Kevin Spacey. Idaho filmmaker, Michael Hoffman is directing it...but the more interesting tie? Spacey's brother lives in the Treasure Valley and is a local celebrity in his own right!
Spacey's birth name is Kevin Spacey Fowler. If you're on any social network in the Treasure Valley that last name might look awfully familiar. Why? Because Spacey's estranged brother, Randy B. Fowler is the man behind Rod's Limos. According to the Statesman, Fowler's been dressing up as Rod Stewart and driving limos in Boise since 1994.
Although they keep in touch, Fowler and his famous brother aren't exactly close. In fact, he's been wanting to release a tell all book about their abusive father and the extent he and his mother went to to protect his little brother. The working title of the book has changed several times but the one that got the most attention? "Spacey's Brother: Out of the Closet" which wasn't exactly what it seemed. Fowler said it's actually a reference to a time in his childhood where he was hiding in a closet waiting to take aim at his abusive father. He says his attorneys advised him to not release the book because Kevin would likely sue him for sharing their story.
On his personal website, Fowler says he hopes his future book will help other victims of child abuse. He wants it to share a the message that it's never too late to change your life no matter how long you've kept your secret. He wants kids to speak up to someone they trust and start looking for professional help.
Fowler's a face you've seen everywhere from wedding shows to parades in the Treasure Valley. He's also been active granting "wishes" for Idaho's Make-a-Wish foundation.
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