As a kid, there is just something so exciting about checking the mail! Perhaps you have some kids that look forward to seeing what is inside the mailbox each day OR maybe you're like me and just remember how exciting getting the mail was--especially when something was addressed to you.  I always had this affinity for mail, I would write letters to celebrities, politicians, and more and sometimes I would even get a reply--it's a magic kind of communication.

With the advancement of things like "Amazon Prime", the mail simply isn't what it used to be. Privatized corporations have found ways to get parcels to places quicker--Amazon even exploring the use of drones. Times are changing when it comes to shipping. They're changing for the United States Postal Service, too.

I was curious to see what is being said about the USPS in our area and came across a recent tweet about a shipment originating in New York on its way to Middleton, Idaho.

With the size of Boise being what it is, it's safe to say that we may not feel a real delay here in town. When we're talking about rural Idaho, however, the impact may be felt a little more.  I can remember riding a bus from Boise to Spokane after a quick college visit and the bus had to make several stops along the deliver mail. In many small Idaho towns, like White Bird, Idaho: population 91--it isn't so easy getting deliveries.

Do you think we even NEED the postal service anymore?



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