Would “Love Is Blind” Work In Boise?
Well, Love Is Blind Season 6 is wrapped up on Netflix.
Some people fell in love and got married, while others completely faked being single just so they could go on the show and get famous.
They're already casting for next season's show. The question is, would Love Is Blind work if it took place in Boise?
Keep Scrolling To Read About Love Is Blind In Boise
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Gallery Credit: Chris Cruise // Townsquare Media
The idea behind Love Is Blind is simple: Budding singles "meet" by only speaking through a wall. By the end of the show, contestants are encouraged to fall in love and propose to someone...without ever seeing what they look like.
So how would that go down if it happened in Boise? We've got an idea:
Him: So, what are you into?
Her: Well, I like potatoes.
Him: Has Boise gotten more crowded for you too?
Then they meet in person, they're both acceptable looking, they fall in love and have babies, and cue the happy ending.
Would you try out for Love Is Blind if they brought auditions to the City of Trees? Do you think you could actually fall in love with someone without ever once seeing their face? Can two people from Boise with different opinions actually get along without wanting to kill each other?
Perhaps we will never find out.
If you're just here looking for hot singles in your area, don't worry! We've compiled a list of the cities with the prettiest people in Idaho, so you can zero in your search:
The Prettiest People In Idaho Live In These Four Cities
Gallery Credit: Chris Cruise // Townsquare Media