It does not matter how many days have passed now, Idaho and the Moscow community continue to mourn and feel uneasy about the ongoings there, just over a week ago now.

One of the greatest "threats" to the investigation, if you will, is the constant spreading of rumors, speculation, and online discourse. The case is far from solved and it has swept the nation with concern, fear, and scrutiny. However as the Director of Idaho State Police, Colonel Kedrick Wills shared-- the BIGGEST help that the public can be through all of this is to simply stop the rumor and share only facts coming from the police.

In an effort to increase police communication with the public--which has been a hot button issue in itself--another press conference was held this afternoon--Wednesday, November 23rd of 2022.

The event opened up with Moscow Police Chief Fry explaining that while there is a lot of information coming in, investigators know that there needs to be more gathered and is asking the public to call in with ANY tip no matter how small one might think it is.

Once the podium was taken by Captain Roger Lanier, he reviewed the same timeline that has been released multiple times over. From that, a few new details were shared formally but had already been said in other various interviews this week. He shared that during the 9-1-1 call, multiple people spoke with dispatch--these callers are still of no criminal interest to police.



Director of Idaho State Police Kedrick Wills explained to the media that investigations take time and that there's a method to all of this. Among this investigation, there have been:

  • 103 pieces of evidence gathered
  • Over 4000 photos taken
  • Multiple 3D scans of the residence
  • Hundreds of hours of forensic manpower put in

Wills also shared that Governor Brad Little has allotted $1 million to the investigation for various expenses.

The press event then turned to a Question & Answer format-- we have paraphrased this below, as many of these questions are very popular.


What will police presence look like around campus following the academic break? 

There will be an increased presence and ISP.

Will there be a release of the 9-1-1- call, even a transcript? 

Not at this time.

What about reports of Kaylee having a stalker and what led to them?

This came up in a few interviews yet so far it hasn't been able to be corroborated but they are not done looking into that.

Why not tell the public who was targeted in this "targeted attack"? 

The integrity of the investigation must be preserved and at this point, releasing that may put the investigation in jeopardy.

Can suspects phone ping wifi router in the home? 

Everything is being investigated.

Are you concerned about the window of time widening?

Yes, time is going on however this time allows investigators to process the evidence that can provide authorities with the whole picture.

Did the suspect go to the first floor, where the two survivors were?

Authorities can't release that at this time.

Could this have been a murder-suicide? 

Authorities do not believe so.

Can you confirm that the bodies have been released to their families? 

Yes, and one has already had a funeral.

Is the BAU working to put together a suspect profile? 

We believe when the time is right, that information will be released

How did the suspect get into the home? 

This is still a part of the investigation and will not be released.


LOOK: These 19 People Are Boise's Most Wanted

Yes, even here in the Treasure Valley where crime isn't so rampant, there is a most wanted list. According to the Southwest Idaho Crime Stoppers, these are the most wanted of them all. So many of these mugshots are from Ada and Canyon Counties. Do you recognize anyone?

These 20 Crimes Are Still Unsolved in Boise

Can you identify anyone in these photos or surveillance videos? The Boise Police Department is hoping that you can give them a tip leading to more information! Who would have thought that the City of Boise would have so many unsolved crimes!

Idaho's Most Wanted

When it comes to the most wanted criminals in Idaho, the list according to the Idaho Department Corrections is short. There are a total of nine individuals who made the "Most Wanted" list. Do you recognize any of these fugitives? Some have only been on the run for a few months. Take a good look at the photos below and let your local authorities know if you have absolutely any information.