Haunted in Idaho – Woman at Murder House
It's been 30 years since the brutal murder at 805 W. Linden Street. Also known as the Boise Murder House. The story of what happened at that house isn't all that is said to haunt the old home.
If you've been in Boise for any length of time, you know about what's referred to as the "Murder House" or the "Linden Murder House".
The house at 805 Linden Street in Boise was built in 1910. The craftsman home sits on a tree-lined street full of houses with manicured lawns - except for the home with a story.
The story according to Digital History:
Three men got in a fight on the night of June 30, 1987 in the house at 805 W. Linden Street. A man by the name of Preston Murr was shot in the shoulder as a result of the altercation and then attempted to flee by running to nearby homes for help. The two other men, Daron Cox and Daniel Rodgers got to Murr then dragged him back to Rogers house. Once inside, Murr was fatally shot by a bullet to the brain.
A neighbor called the police but since the response time was so delayed, the neighbor fell asleep.
As the story goes, Murr's body was dismembered and placed into plastic bags. The bags were placed in the trunk of a car that Rogers and Cox drove to Brownlee Reservoir (near Weiser) to be dumped. The evidence of gloves and plastic bags were thrown in a dumpster behind a convenience store in Meridian.
After a second call by the neighbor, police attempted to contact the residents at 805 W. Linden Street. No response. There was blood on the street and on several neighboring doors so the police obtained a search warrant to enter the home. That's where where they discovered the crime scene.
Daron Cox and Daniel Rogers were arrested and charged with murder. Daron Cox cooperated with police and gave them a detailed account of the incident. As a result, Cox was given a lesser sentence of accomplice to murder with a six year sentence. Rogers received a fixed life sentence and was denied parole in 2005.
That's the story that most people talk about. People say that they can still see blood stains within the house. That has not been confirmed by anyone not telling ghost stories around Halloween.
What question I have about this house is who is the woman wearing 19th century clothing seen in the front window of the house?
Haunted Boise is going to be a series where I'll post the urban legends and ghost stories that happen all around Idaho. Paranormal investigators have been through our state and we definitely have our fair share of spooks. Save THIS LINK to keep coming back for more.
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