Boise State Football Reveals Softball Captains
Call if the big reveal, today Boise State named the team captains for the Broncos annual football charity softball Summer Classic game Monday June 24th at Hawks Memorial Stadium.
The BSU offense will be captained by offensive lineman John Molchon who says he has done his do-diligence to find the best possible softball players from the offensive ranks to face a defensive squad led by defensive back Kekaula Kaniho.
Kaniho says he hasn't done spread sheets line Molchon claims he's done but has looked into the history of his defensive counterparts to see which players have baseball experience.
Kaniho himself played some high school baseball and feels he can pick out the cream of the softball talent.
Both teams headed to batting practice today and on Friday they'll be hitting for a chance to prove themselves powerful enough to be part of the home run derby which will kick off Mondays charity event at 5;30 MDT.
The six inning Summer Classic Charity game, BSU Offense vs. BSU Defense will start at about 6:30 MDT. Admission if five dollars with kids 12 and under free.
A portion of the proceeds will go towards scholarships for at risk youth wanting to participate in the Treasure Valley Optimist Youth Football Organization.