Words of wisdom: don't mess with Texas...or Idaho wildlife

You might think a beautiful bison, with its sluggish, heavy gait and penchant for fresh grass, is just a big, friendly cow.

Well, it's not.

Few know that better than Clarence Yoder of Idaho Falls. The Idaho Falls man learned a lesson in pain on why that assumption is wildly off the mark.

This past spring, Clarence decided it would be a brilliant idea to mingle with a bison about 25 yards near the Seven Mile Bridge in Yellowstone National Park. But Clarence didn’t stop there—nope. Clarence thought it wise to harass the obstinacy of two thousand pound bison. He even kicked one. As you can imagine, things didn't pan out well for Clarence.

Clarence Incurs the Wrath of the Bison

Spoiler alert: Mr. Bison disliked being assaulted by a drunk human. He reacted how any of us would and drop-kicked the hillbilly.

When park rangers arrived at the scene of the stupidity, they wasted no time in cuffing Clarence and placing him under arrest for being under the influence, creating mayhem, and, ya' know, for being an all-around dumbass.

The Takeaway: don't be dumb

Don't be triflin' with Idaho wildlife. Whether it’s a bear quietly feasting on a bushel of huckleberries or an unassuming, docile bison, Mother Nature's fur babies demand distance and respect.

Take it from Clarence. Nature always has and always will have the upper hand. Unless you want a bison or any of the animals in the gallery below to high-five your face, it’s best to back off, y'all.

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