In reality television, one show is the most challenging and demanding a show so intense that it makes the CBS Show Survivor seem like a cupcake. A version of the show just ended last night to record ratings and a shocking announcement involving Idahoan Jeff Zausch.

The season finale of Naked and Afraid Last One Standing Season 2 ended on the Discovery Channel last night. The winner of the show is Dan Link. Mr. Link was the runner-up in the first season and took home the $100,000 prize money.

The show's premise involves contestants living in the wilds of Africa without any clothes or survival items. They must live off the land and use primitive survival skills. The winner is determined by a series of survival contests, in which the winner gets a tool, and the loser goes home.

Discovery Courtesy of YouTube
Discovery Courtesy of YouTube

There are not many shows or television personalities as challenging as Naked and Afraid. The most popular contestant on the show is Idahoan Jeff Zausch, who has spent the most time surviving in countries relying on his survival skills.

Mr. Zausch didn't make the top three contestants last night. Last here, he finished third in the contest. The Idahoan made an announcement that shocked the Naked and Afraid World.

The charismatic Idahoan told the world he was giving up the show that had made him famous for ten years. Viewers have seen him in the jungle, the desert, and other exotic locations.

Discovery Courtesy of YouTube
Discovery Courtesy of YouTube

Mr. Zausch has been a true treasure to love representing our state worldwide. We wish him well; however, selfishly, we hope he reconsiders.

Check Out This Idahoan Getting Naked and Afraid!

A look at Jeff Zausch's latest adventure

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller

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Scroll on for a gallery featuring nude-friendly Idaho hot springs and resorts!

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela