Moving to a new place can be difficult - you might not know anyone, you might be job searching or learning the new job that brought you to your new destination, etc.

In short, there are many things to become familiar with when you arrive in a new place... especially driving.

Driving in the Treasure Valley

Driving in the Treasure Valley can be quite the experience. For the most part, drivers are relatively safe and even more courteous. Now and then, however, you'll encounter someone who isn't patient enough with new drivers learning the area or longtime residents scoffing at drivers with California license plates.

It happens and honestly, can happen in any state - don't feel awkward!

The state of Idaho, and the Boise area in particular, are going to continue to grow at rapid rates and as we all know, the traffic is only going to get more congested and possibly more hectic.

Some of that stress could be due to the construction and road closures that are happening but also, you might not necessarily know how your driving fits in with the locals.

So, we did the hard work for you.

We asked locals to share their expert driving advice so we can offer transplants some insight on what to expect. The feedback we received also includes some valuable advice for those driving in Boise for the first time.

If you've lived here for an extended period of time... what would you add to the list?

The Ultimate Transplant's Guide To Driving In Boise

Here are the things Boise locals say that transplants need to know when taking on the roads of the Treasure Valley...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

18 Idaho Cities That Are Home to More Transplants Than Natives in 2024

The United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey asks people which state they live in and where they were born. The following numbers reflect estimates based on the number of people who said they live in Idaho AND that they were born in the United States. (Percentages won't add up to 100% because people who moved to Idaho from foreign countries were excluded from the count.)

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

6 Things Boise Drivers Do That Drive California Transplants Crazy

Gallery Credit: Marco

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