You know that I have a weekly pilgrimage to Costco on Sunday mornings. I get there just before the doors open, breeze in, pick up my few items that I need to pick up, and breeze back out again. One of the things I like to do is look at the deli and see if there's anything I can use for meals for the following week. This last Sunday it was the meatloaf and mashed potatoes that'll last me for several days. 

I also like to walk through the frozen food department and see what kind of meals I can pick up.  

Ask yourself, what is the best frozen meal (I should say entree...) that you can find at Costco?

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According to,
But if we had to name the best pick from the retailer's frozen food aisle, it would be none other than the Kirkland Signature Italian sausage and beef lasagna. It's stacked with whole milk ricotta and mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, thick layers of pasta and 100% USDA choice grade ground beef chuck, per Costco's listing.’ 

I have to say that I agree. I think the Italian sausage and beef lasagna from Costco is the star of the show. It's absolutely wonderful. It is packed with flavor, it is a great dollar value, you can get a lot of meals out of it, and when you buy it, you actually get 2 so, make sure you have room in your freezer. 

I've had the Kirkland all beef lasagna which is actually bigger and it's OK, but the sausage and beef lasagna from Costco. The flavor just jumps out at you. It is one of those things that you can bake it, cut it up into pieces, put it in the fridge and then you can pop it out, throw it in the microwave and eat that thing for days. 

If you've never tried it and you like lasagna, (you will be rolling in carbs.) You need to try this product. It is wonderful. 

The Best Frozen Meal At Costco Is A Kirkland Signature Favorite
9 Popular Costco Frozen Meals, Ranked
12 Frozen Lasagnas, Ranked Worst To Best

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