17 Things You DEFINITELY DID If You Grew Up Mormon In Utah!
I understand that members of the LDS Church like to be called "Members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints", but for the sake of everyone understanding, I'll be referring to those people as "Mormon." If you've grown up in Utah, you either grew up Mormon or you were surrounded by people that grew up Mormon. Either way... This list should ring true with you!
You've whittled one piece of wood into a car for the "Pinewood Derby"!:
Wore a CTR Ring:
Got excited looking at BRAND NEW CTR rings:
You had one of THESE bad boys hanging in your house:
Your coffee table in your house looked like this:
You SNUCK AROUND and tried your first real soda!:
You prayed for a Donut to "Nourish & Strengthen" your body:
You couldn't swim on Sundays:
Shopping on Sunday was a HUGE NO-NO!:
You knew a dude named Nephi, Ammon, or Dallin:
"Suck", "Fart", "Crap" or "Shut Up" were BAD WORDS!:
You know what "D.I.", "R.M.", "F.H.E.", and "MoTab" are short for:
You've had a "DIET, CAFFEINE FREE" beverage:
You've had Shasta, Squirt, or Fresca at your parties, but they were called "Refreshments":
You've never seen half the movies everyone talks about:
You've been on a "Shopping Spree" at Deseret Book:
This article made you angry for some reason...